Saturday, July 5, 2014

Introductions and Making Acquaintances

Hello and welcome to my blog! 

My name is Nadine, I'm 14 and I'm the writer of MANIACTIC READS. 


One day, after school, friend and I are walking to the library. We've just came from MC Donald and we both bought this new ice-cream they had called McFlurry. I'm looking down admiring the broken up bits of Oreo with my spoon (that I honestly mistook for a large straw for 3 minutes until my friend silently pulled it out and showed me that it's a spoon) and not looking where I'm walking since I know the Library is straight ahead. We're talking and suddenly she stops walking. Now, I continue walking a few steps before turning around to see what stopped her.

On my lips is the question "Why did you stop?" but I could only let out a "Wh-" before she yells,


LUNGES, grabs my arm and pulls me towards her.

As I', jerked forward, I turn my face to see what's wrong-  when the speeding metal of a bus comes within CENTIMETERS of my face and it beeps way too late.

I stand there with my friend who's hand is still holding my arm in a death grip as we stare at each other. All the bystanders who also stopped at the red light stare at me. The girl who almost got run over... and is laughing about it?

My ears are ringing and my heart is furiously beating to make for the half second it stopped working as I was faced with death. Then proceeds a lot of laughing and disbelief at how smart and quick thinking my friend is and I joked about how romantic it would have been if she was a boy and I would have fainted in his arms and we'd tell our grandchildren about how a McFlurry could have been the end of me.

What did I learn from this experience? Well,
  • The cliche scenarios that happen in movies can happen in life if the right stupidity (me+new icecreams) is applied
  • Do NOT be distracted by 3$ ice-creams as you cross the street
  • It's strongly recommended to have a rational minded friend when you're prone to carelessness
I think that gave you a peek of my personality, aye? You can call me Nadine, we've now been acquainted


Why I'm making this blog is to talk about my favorite thing: Books. And everything that comes along with them. While it's an obvious fact that I love to read, I've recently realized that I love something even more:  getting others to read. Especially if I can talk about it and thoughts can be exchanged and sparks fly off walls and the stars start dancing- 

This blog will have book reviews and book talks (more detail below). But also I'd like to share my thoughts and ideas that are usually inspired by the books I'm currently reading. I'd love if this sparks a disscussion! Along with all this book related stuff I'll post anything interesting that I bump into and crazy stories (not all involving near death of course) 

I'll explain in the list.
  • Book Reviews *Where I try my UTMOST BEST to get you to read this book so that-
  • BOOK TALKS *-you could join me as I go into detail about my favorite (and not so favorite) parts of the book. This place where I'd LOVE for you to join in!- of course this will be SPOILER PARTY so better read the book before peeking in.
  • Thought Train Station *Thoughts that have been swimming in my head and I'd like to share (ranging from insignificant notices to deep themes that have crossed my mind) Your opinions, again, is greatly encouraged here! honestly its encouraged throughout the blog
  • Many other things that I have yet to name and yet to write and my imagination races with the possibles of the 'New Post' button! (also compressing the temptation of the pretty 'Publish' button since I KNOW how bad my spelling can be- first impressions are everything)
I hope you come for the ride and stay around with this MANIACTIC READER.


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