The Maniac's Bio


          My name is Nadine and I'm 14 years old.

I call myself insane because of my habit of taking to myself while reading (and in general) and afterwards saying the most crazy sounding ideas to my friends and teachers. This usually becomes problematic in the middle of English class but so far the worst I've been called is a 'Highly Imaginative Reader' in my report card. I live off of debates and discussions where I can throw ideas and see what catches.

I hope that reassures people that I'm not completely insane

          I love to read Middle Grade books and Classics, recently a few YA tittles have caught my interest that I might try to read also. My desk is full of notebooks and pens and on top is all the books I'm planning to read. While reading I often come across an unknown word so I also have a small notebook that I scribble the word in to look it up later. I like to refer to this notebook as 'The White Notebook' since its...white.

          I have mentioned in my blog description that I love to share the love of reading and I really hope I can do that in my blog. I also practice this in my life. Whenever a friend is over my goal is that they're leaving with a book, if a classmate asks what I'm reading I'd tell them and give the book to them the whole day to see if they're interested. Not only will is motivate them to read if they don't do so already, but then it reassures me that the next time I see them (hopefully they've started reading) we can goof all day talking about it. Books are wonderful and amazing and magical in all and every way possible. They expand the mind and strengthen bonds, and for me, introduce many new people who I like to call friends.

          I also have a love for obsolete things like writing in script and sending letters, so I interpret both in this blog by writing all my notes in script and writing my reviews like letters (I hope to get better at both as I continue to write).

          So, if you ever want to talk-




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